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"Transcendental Meditation is the simplest meditation technique that has helped me to discover the inner most value of my true self."

Nirmala DHUNGANA on TM

Nirmala Dhungana
Associate Professor and Former President, Women for Human Rights

Being calm, creative and healthy
makes you happy ...

Millions of people have experienced the transformative effect of TM on their lives.
When you sleep better, think more clearly and have more energy it's only natural to
find yourself in a happy state of mind.

Increase your happiness hormones

Neurologists have found that practising Transcendental Meditation releases serotonin, the neutrotransmitter that affects your feelings of well-being and happiness.

Change in serotonin levels during TM practise

Reference: Journal of Neural Transmission Vol 39, 1976, pp257-267

Improved Psychology through TM

Self-realisation: a meta-analysis.

Leave negativity behind

Meta-analysis of beneficial changes in anxiety, negative emotions and neuroticism, when comparing TM with mindfulness and other types of meditation.

Hugh Jackman

"It is finding bliss"

Katy Perry:

"TM puts me in the best mood!"

Take the first step 
attend an info session

The first step is to attend a free introductory talk or "Info Session".
This will be presented by a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation and generally takes about 1 hour. You will find out:

  • Why TM is so effective for stress and anxiety
  • Why anyone can practise TM
  • What benefits you can realistically expect
  • How it works – the process of transcending
  • How TM differs from other meditations
  • What happens during TM

Following the talk there will be an opportunity to meet privately with the Teacher to discuss personal considerations.

The talk is a prerequisite to joining a course of instruction in TM, but there is no commitment to learn. It is open to everyone even if you only have a mild curiosity! Feel free to bring a friend.

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