One-time payment for your whole life
• Adults - NPR 10,000
• Students: age 10-18 - NPR 5,000
Special Offer:
• For Couples and families - NPR 15000
• Foreign Nationals* - NPR 25,000
*Foreign Nationals who lives in Nepal
Tailored, group and corporate courses
We can also provide private instruction, groups, in-house courses for business and educational institutions. Please contact us for details.
Our goal is to make the TM technique available to everyone. Each local TM Centre offers payment plans, as well as partial grants for those facing financial hardship. For more information, contact your local TM teacher.
Non-profit organisation
The Transcendental Meditation technique is available in Nepal through Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation, and Nepal Global Mother Divine Organisation, both organizations are registered as a Not-for-profits Commission. All revenues from course fees go entirely to support the organisations' educational and charitable initiatives.
Personal one on one instruction 
Lifetime of benefits 
Ongoing support and follow up 
Helping those in need
MFA and GMDO - Australia in collaboration with the David Lynch Foundation help support TM programs for at-risk youth, homeless, prisoners and others in need. For more information see: David Lynch Foundation